PVP in D&D 5e

Player vs. Player Combat in D&D

Some time or another, most players have fantasies of epic battles with other players. Sword and bolt shattering on shield, and the players immersed in toe-to-toe combat against each other. It sounds great and has the potential to be awesome but there might be some gotchas to look out for when considering engaging in PVP in D&D.  In this article, we’ll walk through the thoughts to consider when thinking about stirring up some PVP combat in your game. Stay tuned, at the end of the article we’ll showcase the new PVP Collesium that we’re rolling out on our play by post server right now!

What Can be Awesome About Bringing PVP Into Your D&D Game

Player vs. Player combat gives players a chance to mix it up a bit from the norm. Dungeons and Dragons is a game about epic adventure and the collaborative story of heroes. When considering creating an environment where you may turn sword on another player, here are five reasons to consider why it may be a great element to incorporate.

A great way to implement an epic fight for combat-oriented players.

Some players enjoy combat a lot more than the other aspects of D&D. Setting up a PVP environment can give them an outlet and an opportunity to combine that with roleplaying at the outset can make for some excellent character development and party bonding. Some of this has to do with how you set up your PVP. We’ll give examples below and will illustrate it in our example PVP fight from our play by post discord.

A PvP scene can help resolve certain storylines or rivalries between party members

Whether its an orc barbarian learning to respect the party leader or a friendly fight to prove that “NO! I am the strongest!” a well-staged PVP scene can bring a great sense of tension and drama to your PvE (Player vs. Environment) story. Just be careful… if you don’t give yourself the right setup you might find yourself scooping up the “no takebacks” ashes of a perma-deathed character into the proverbial dustpan.

PvP can be used to further storylines and campaigns. 

Let’s take an example, a party needs a good distraction in order to break the paladin that was framed out of jail. The rogue goes to take care of that, meanwhile, the bard attracts a crowd and acts as an announcer for the barbarian and druid to have a tussle. Who doesn’t want to see someone wrestle a bear?

PvP can be an emotional break after a particularly tough story arc

Sometimes you just need something light-hearted to change the mood.  How about a bare-knuckle brawl or a gladiatorial match? Or maybe it can serve as a good intro to a campaign by having all the party members meet at the tournament.

The Flipside: Gotchas to avoid when considering adding PvP to your D&D Game

The D&D 5e System itself is not combat first, adventuring second.  

Tried and true advice: a well rounded D&D game is about ⅓ adventuring, ⅓ role play, ⅓ combat.  PVP tends to bring out a big focus on combat, perhaps with an infusion of RP, however adventuring and exploring is straight out. 

Characters might be severely imbalanced vs. each other when it comes to combat.

With major facets of the ways the rules are written and the way that characters are designed, beware of maintaining good balance when entering the fray with other players. Characters great at social manipulation, tracking enemies, surviving in the wild, navigating lost tombs, may have a lot less to offer in a gladiatorial arena. You’ll want to keep a keen eye on combat prowess balance between players engaging in PVP with each other to keep the bout fun for all.

The DM may need a different mindset than they are used to.

There is a catch… in a PVE game, when a player wants to do something “off the script.”  The best thing to do is say “yes” to the rule of cool… make up a ruling on the fly and let awesome happen… even if it was off textbook.  In a PvP situation, allowing a player to do more than he is “allowed to” in the rules might give another player a disadvantage. If you’re approaching PvP to make sure to think through how flexible you may be willing to be with “creative” maneuvers affecting other players.

Players may also need a mental shift from the way that they are playing.

Many players tend to fall into a “play to win” mentality.  This can be great in a PVE situation because playing to win means being a team player, fostering a ton of fun around the table.  Because of this, above about rules, you may want to approach PVP in a more loosie goosie manner. We’ve done this in the colosseum in our PBP server by creating a one-off environment for characters to battle each other.  It does not affect the storyline, and characters can experience and explore fighting other players in kind of a safety bubble. We play it up that there are healers on deck to stabilize after a KO

Should certain tactics be banned in D&D PVP?  

Some powerful tactics make a fight very one-sided.  For example, casting hold person, and then Coup de Grau on an enemy evil cultist may be cool in a campaign, but a quick instant kill on an enemy player without a fighting chance on their end may be no fun for the dead guy. Consider if you’re doing PVP, especially in something like a coliseum where arbitrary rules would make sense, that certain rules or maneuvers are legal or banned.  In our PVP arena, we have DM’s that play the role of refs. They help sort out these kinds of matters.

How About Some PVP With Cloud 9 Tabletop?

We just launched a PVP arena in our Play by Post Discord that we call the Cloud-isium. Members can enjoy this alongside the ongoing D&D campaigns that we’re running. The PVP aspect is absolutely free and is a blast!  You’re warmly invited to hop on over and join us for some D&D shenanigans.

Example Play by Post PVP Fight

Here’s an example combat that we’ve run between myself, playing Klaus the level 2 warlock, vs. our senior DM Michael, playing a level 2 cleric. This text is taken straight from our discord… typos, off-topic lol’s and banter all intentionally included. Note that Michael and I are playing the roles of both announcers in the arena, and the contestants.  The role is marked in brackets. Disclaimer: it’s probably about a 10-minute read but it’s hella fun. Enjoy.

This is the hype poster for another PVP match on the server. Shout out to Michael for the artwork.

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/16/2019

An orc in a well tailored suit sits at a table with a few cloaked figures, a light is on him. “Welcome to the Cloud 9 PvP Coliseum! Or the Cloud-iseum as I like to refer to it” chuckle “Our match today is between two opponents that have not had it easy in life, the first: Klaus! So tell us about yourself Klaus.” At the far end of the table a cloak is removed and a figure revealed, Klaus can describe himself.


Klaus is actually snoring and drooling in his seat… head haphazardly leaning to the side. He is an late 20 something year old, skinny with ole skin and dark features and scraggly hair. 

“Sploosh.” Water pours down from a full pale of water from a guards  hands down on top of Klaus’s head… spilling all over him and the table.

Klaus perks up immediately. “Yes! Ale? I heard there was ale for the winner?”


I have sent help to your PMs.


No description available.

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/16/2019

“There is indeed! At stake is a keg of ale, a pouch of gold, and a fine looking horse!”


Could you please hold the horse and double the ale? Thanks.

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/16/2019

“Haha, I’ll see what I can do! So tell us, who IS Klaus? We’ve been looking forward to this match for a while now., what can you tell us?”


(Our of character  description, or first person?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/16/2019

(Let’s do first person)


“Oh me, I’m just… a guy with a staff that might have.. come here on losing a card game bet… “ say does the runner up get beer too?”

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/17/2019

“There is a consolation prize, yes-” chuckles again “Now, before we introduce your competitor I am pleased to welcome my co-host to the table!” The lights come up on a figure adjacent to the orc.

(@Artie do you want to add a commentator and have him interview Alakon? Or should I just do some back and forth with myself haha?)


(Seems like this test would work better with more people but I’ll roll with it for now.) Enter into the scene Harl Harksen. He is a green skinned half orc whos entire lower jaw has been replaced with an iron jaw, with straight lines on the edges and rivets showing. Close cut blackhair. He looks like he was an athlete, and has gone commentator.” You hear his two tusks in his speech as he talks.

Harl: Well this is a great match up! Two  adventurers gifted with otherworldly power, I just can’t wait to see how this plays out. KLaus May downplay his abolities but I’ve seen him put  hole straight tgrpigh a charging bangleden rhinoceros with his Magics! Let’s take a look at who he’s fighting. (Enter slalom into the scene)


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

Alakon, an old elf with silver grey hair in a ponytail and an old but clean military uniform stands and bows a little at his mention. 

“Thank you for that, though otherworldly power may be a bit of an overstatement for myself. I prefer to trust in sinews and steel than in magic.”


[Harl] You are modest, Alakon! you may trust in what you can see but I believe that the Gods have favored you, and your blade!”

[Harl] Well there you have it! a standoff between sorcery and steel!  I’ll tell you what I think (As he clasps his suited orc fellow commentator on the shoulder) Distance!  Distance will be a major factor in this fight. If that spell slinger can keep distance and blast his foe from afar, he has a chance, however if silvery Alakon gets in close and gives that magiker a taste of his steel, he may not last long.

Let’s take a look at the battlefield today!

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

[Dak] “I have to agree! Which is why the arena will play such a big part of the match. We have today a forest modeled after the Homeland of the flightless pixies! We have tree houses, bridges, platforms, and hidey-holes galore!”


[Harl] and in Cloud-isium tradition, we’ll be blind folding our participants and unleashing them into the battlefield. What do you say Dak, are we ready?

(I am imagining we lead them to somewhere on the battlefield and they can’t see each other at first?)

(Or maybe they see each other from far away?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(Correct, I think they just know the general direction/location without details)

[Dak] “I think we are! Get ready folks! Here comes Round 1!”


(Why don’t you describe what our characters perceive in their initial round. Maybe they will also need a side channel for this.)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

Klaus, upon opening his eyes finds himself in a clearing surrounded by trees. There is a series of bridges and tree houses above him. A little cyan colored dragon is in front of him with a sign saying ‘Alakon is this way’ but he disappears pretty quickly.

Alakon finds himself on a small platform at the top of a tree, with miles of forest surrounding him. the same dragon is there with a sign leading him to Klaus. After a moment Dak’s voice is heard “Round 1, BEGIN!”


(again, this would be good for a side channel… Klaus will try the trickery card. He will cast disguise self, and morph into a fat little dryad creature. He’ll walk straight toward Alakon, and point in the direction behind himself… Klaus is that way!)

!Cast disguise self


Klaus casts Disguise Self!


You make yourself—including your clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings on your person—look different until the spell ends or until you use your action to dismiss it. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between. You can’t change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is up to you.

The changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, if you use this spell to add a hat to your outfit, objects pass through the hat, and anyone who touches it would feel nothing or would feel your head and hair. If you use this spell to appear thinner than you are, the hand of someone who reaches out to touch you would bump into you while it was seemingly still in midair.

To discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC.

Spell Slots

1 ◉〇

No spell automation found.

@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

“Oh, is he now? Well then, thank you!” Alakon draws his rapier, tightens his shield and makes his way down from the platform to go find Klaus.: 1d20 (2) + 1 

Total: 3

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(woops, that was supposed ot be two messages, but that works I guess haha)


(rofl @ 3, oh no.)

(Klaus will chuckle to himself, and try to get a little bit of high ground. maybe climbing a little hut… and when Alakon is near max range he’ll fire off an eldrich blast at Alakon


Klaus casts Eldritch Blast!


To Hit: 1d20 (19) + 6 = 25

Damage: 1d10 (2) [force] = 2


Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.

The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.


(range 120)


Klaus makes an Initiative check!

1d20 (15) + 2 = 17

@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

for initiative: 1d20 (3) + 4 

Total: 7


(Klaus still looks like a fey creature)

“Klaus is behind you! I’ll get him for you!”

(Cast another eldrich blast to “accidentally hit Alakon”


Klaus casts Eldritch Blast!


To Hit: 1d20 (2) + 6 = 8

Damage: 1d10 (6) [force] = 6


Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.

The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

The eldritch blast hits Alakon right in the back. The second blast missing. 

“I fear friend, that you lie to me, but let me get near to you so you can show me where he is from your vantage.” Alakon Dashes (60ft) to try and close with the ‘dryad’


(Trying to kite the impossibly fast warrior away from him…. Klaus backpetals 30 feet… stumbling on roots, hurling another blast in Alakons direction as he tumbles)


Klaus casts Eldritch Blast!


To Hit: 1d20 (4) + 6 = 10

Damage: 1d10 (2) [force] = 2


Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.

The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.


(cmon dice!)


Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

“What’s the matter? Why do you run?” alakon is smiling now, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Dash again for another 60ft, 30ft from Klaus now.


In a panic, Klaus hurls another blast toward the warrior… he stumbles to his knees, and scurries for a vine over a small ravine… he swings and stumbles again, falling 5 feet into the overgrowth below.


Klaus casts Eldritch Blast!


To Hit: 1d20 (1) + 6 = 7



Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.

The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.



thats a 1.   (Klaus is dangling by his foot on the vine!)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(How do we want to deal with that crit fail haha?)\


crit fail = he’s dangling by his feet from the vines

swinging, tangled

(Klaus is swinging, still insisting that he is a dryad, Trying to catch Klaus.) “He’s behind you mighty Alakon!”

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

Approaching Alakon takes a moment to examine the dryad again. “You’re Klaus, aren’t you?” before cutting the vines that he’s tangled in.


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Result: 1d20 (15) + 6 

Total: 21



Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(attacking the vines)

Klaus falls to the ground, the vines cut but Klaus cut some as well,


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Result: ( 1d8 (4) + 6 ) / 2 

Total: 5

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

Klaus takes 5 damage

“I want to fight you in a way that I know will let me sleep at night.”


“the back alleys would teach you a thing or two about a fair fight, warrior”

(Klaus tries to swing his staff at Alakon’s ankles as he is getting up, trying to trip Alakon)


Klaus makes an Athletics check!

1d20 (4) – 1 = 3


(rofl) clearly not doing very well, Klaus’s expression changes, as he gulps hard, looking at the elf in the eye, realizing that his tricks have not worked.

he takes a fighting stance, spitting blood from his lip from the thorns. “Fine, a fair fight.”

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

“Have at you then!”


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

to hit: 1d20 (9) + 6 

Total: 15


(hit, AC 13)

(describe your hit, and if its 9 or more, describe your KO :smiley: )


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Result: 1d8 (8) + 6 

Total: 14



(+6 dude? dang!)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(That’s what it says haha!)

Alakon, seeing an opening flies forward, batting aside the clumsily wielded staff with his shield and sinking the rapier into Klaus’s shoulder up to the hilt.  “This round is mine, I think.” before drawing it out and begining to clean the blade.


(dude that was so cool)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(Haha, the killing blow or the whole thing? I agree with the whole thing!)

[Dak] “Welcome back from what was an incredible first round. Harl, what do you think about what just happened?”


[Harl] Harl is visibly upset.  Dak! I thought we were bringing warriors to this competition! That human didn’t even fight square until he was cornered.  He got what was coming to him! The warchief would be proud of Alakon! we should make him an honerary Orc! (Harl is loosening his tie, and shuffling his things. he’s riled up)

(I think the cards should be different colors)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(Noted, I can do that)

[Dak] “I have to agree, though the use of illusion to try and get some range was well done, he should have dropped it after the first blast, try to demoralize his oppenent in a ‘look what you fell for’ move. So who do you want to interview first?”


[Harl] let’s talk to the real man of the hour.  Alakon. “Alakon, your opponent tried trickery and deciet but you took the high road, and fought him head on.  Was it hard to give him an even playing field when you had the tactical advantage.?”

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

[Alakon] “Not at all. My philosophy is that if I’m going to die in a fight it will be because the blade that kills me is more skilled than mine. Until I meet that blade, I will be training to cross with it and gladly meet my end. I’m not an Elf that you’l find fading away into twilight surrounded by books in a musty tower. You can see that I’m old, and I’m only that way because of my skill.” He doesn’t boast when he says it, but more matter of fact.


[Harl] And I told you that the gods had a hand on your fate.  Those bolts whizzed past you. they would have torn another man apart, but none connected much with you.

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

“Well, the first one did” Alakon laughs, massaging his shoulder where it had hit him.


[Harl] Very well. you are an honor to have Alakon.  Please go rest up for your match.

[Harl]  Dak, Why dont you talk to the… “dryad.” I’m too upset with him to talk.

(storms stage left)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

[Alakon] “Thank you, I will.” Bows on his way out

[Dak] “Alright, you go get some air! So. Klaus. what happened out there man?”


“I think… (Klaus says, massaging his headache) that I should have aimed a little to the left.” (Klaus swigs a beer.)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

[Dak] “Yes, that would have helped. So you started out really strong with the disguise, but I have to ask… what do you plan to do differently in the next round?”


“he won’t fall lfor the same tricks, that is for sure.  But his honor might be his downfall. let

s see if i can use it against him.  I’ve seen many a bar brawl. honor has won zero of them. (swig)”


(OOC, is Alakon level 2, as well?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

[Dak] “That’s true if you can get him before he can close with that rapier of his you’ll stand a much better chance!”

(Yup! i figured out why it’s +6, +4 for dex, +2 for fighting style haha)



“oh, and tell Harl that he has a rage filled spirit following him around… since he’s been two and he broke the…. thing. he’ll know. see ya on the flipside.”

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

[Dak] “What? Er.. yeah, okay. Well there you have it folks. Round 2 will be next, happening in the same arena as before, this time in a different location within it! Harl any last thoughts?”


[Harl] (Coming back on stage) “Get our of here, witch-man! How do you know about that! I hope Alakon SKEWERS you! (Literally flips the announcer table)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

[Dak] “Right, well, let’s head on down then!”



(Want to set the scene again?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

Alakon finds himself in a meadow, trees to one side and a sea of grass to the other. The little dragon is back, with the sign pointing towards the forest.

Klaus is in a bridge among the trees, connecting two houses. These, along with another bridge to a third house are the only structures in the immediate area. Looking out. Alakon is about 450ft out into the meadow in plain view. Again Dak’s voice “ROUND 2 Begin!”


(any tree houses and bridges this time?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(Forgot that haha)



Klaus will scurry to one of the houses with only one bridge, and will attempt to sabotage the bridge…. cutting about 90% of the integrity of the ropes with a pocketknife. trying to stay out of sight for now


Klaus makes a Survival check!

1d20 (2) + 3 = 5

Klaus makes a Stealth check!

1d20 (17) + 2 = 19

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(That succeeds.)

Alakon, noticing his exposed condition, will attempt to hide himself and move towards the forest


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Stealth: 1d20 (17) + 4 

Total: 21


(we should probably roll perception vs. each other’s stealths)


Klaus makes a Perception check!

1d20 (20) + 1 = 21


wow i met your 21. who wins on a tie?

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

Ties mean no change in status, so since you knew where I was you still do.


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Result: 1d20 (17) + 2 

Total: 19

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

And I tied yours, but I didn’t know where you were so I still do not.


Klaus will adjust his aim… a little to the left…. and like a baseball pitcher…. hurl a streaking black skull trailing with smoke down at alakon


Klaus casts Eldritch Blast!


To Hit: 1d20 (14) + 6 = 20

Damage: 1d10 (1) [force] = 1


Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.

The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.

Klaus makes an Initiative check!

1d20 (10) + 2 = 12


(you feel the heat and energy of the blast go past your face and ear as it grazes you, Alakon)

(oh hey wait, Avrae is not accounting the +4 damage that he has on his character sheet. total damage there is 5)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(Good to know, I’ll keep that in mind.)


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

initiative: 1d20 (6) + 4 

Total: 10

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

Alakon curses in elvish as the energy blasts him.


(your move?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(Nope, yours I got 10, you got 12, and the blast was before initiative)


the next bolt is particularly disturbing…. Klaus grimmaces in pain as he hurls the next bolt… his nose starting to bleed with the spiritual pressure.  a ghastly elven skull is streaking, billowing in smoke towards Alakon, hurled by Klaus.


Klaus casts Eldritch Blast!


To Hit: 1d20 (4) + 6 = 10

Damage: 1d10 (8) [force] = 8


Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.

The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.


(8+4=12 force)

(not gonna hit tho)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(AC 18, so it’s a miss)


The streaking skull makes an unearthly, soul chilling shreek as it hits Alakons Shield with a clunk

Klaus is swigging his flask from his left hand, and winding up another bolt from his right from the window

(now you’re up :))

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

Pulling out his crossbow as he runs to the trees Alakon gets a shot off at long range


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn

Rolling 2 iterations, DC 0…

1d20 (14) + 6 = 20

1d20 (2) + 6 = 8

2 successes.



Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

The dart thunks into the tree trunk, much too low.

(long range, disadvantage)


(ahh. What’s your range now?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019



(no no, lets start this at 120, thats the max i would have hit you from)

(i would have waited in the shadows till then)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(Sounds good, in that case I’m at 90ft)


Klaus casts Eldritch Blast!


To Hit: 1d20 (14) + 6 = 20

Damage: 1d10 (3) [force] = 3


Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.

The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.


the grass around Alakon starts to burn as volley after volley of soul misses his person and lands in the brush near him. they seem to be flying in slow motion, staring at him as they pass.

(cinematically, no mechanical effect)

(wait, i read that wrong, 20 total…. thats 7 more damage. lets say the fire is still happening cuz thats badass)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(sweet haha)

The curses coming in both elvish and orc now Alakon runs and fires again.


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Result: 1d20 (17) + 6 

Total: 23

@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Result: 1d8 (4) + 4 

Total: 8

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

8 piercing damage


(would you say you hit me from 60? or further?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(It’d probably be just about 60, yeah)


k, Klaus will yell in pain as the arrow makes purchase through his leather coat.  As he groans the flames around Alakon rage…. searing at him and jumping towards him.


Klaus casts Hellish Rebuke!


Damage: 2d10 (2, 5) [fire] = 7

DC: 14

DEX Save


The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Spell Slots

1 〇〇


(uses his reaction for that)


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Result: 1d20 (17) + 4 

Total: 21


(the flames seem to slip and fall off of Alakon’s armor, still the heat burns through, the warrior feels the heat in his lungs and in his boots as the ground is ablaze.)

(half damage, i think we round to 4?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(Works for me, your turn, he’s still up)

(Oh, wait, scratch that, that does it, bad math on my end haha)


Alakon charges mightily forward towards his adversary through the flames, and in a burst of heat, the ground envelops him, as soon as he falls the flames subside.

Our camera fades from the flames pans to the announcer booth.

[Harl] I don’t like it, Dak! That witch-man didn’t give his foe a warrior’s death, there was no toe-to toe honor in it. I knew he’d try to keep range, but…. I just don’t feel satisfied with this outcome.

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

[Dak] “But you saw him prepare for that outcome, the trap with the bridge, and the eyesight keeping track of him at that range, impressive to say the least!”


[Harl] Yes, he did use all of the tactical advantage he could think of to create that outcome.  Location, Location, Location Dak, that is going to be a major factor in who walks away victorious today.

(There is a stage crew repairing the broken table, and effects as the broadcast goes)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019


(this would be cool if we had random roll for start locations here)

(you want to set the scene, or me?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(I agree, we’ll need to get a few tables made haha)

Alakon and Klaus both awake with view of each other through the trees, each about 150ft from the other


(any terrain climbable, or any high ground reachable?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

(Not in the near area, but there is some around to be found.)

“Klaus, I’ll have you know, you are a great fighter in your own way.”


Klaus replies “and you are a fool for your code of honor old man.“ But I like you anyway. Call smiles


Klaus will scurry up to the best high ground he feels he can reach quickly

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

Alakon will follow behind, carefully, and try to do so without being seen.


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Result: 1d20 (7) + 2 

Total: 9

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/22/2019

^ Stealth


I’ll make a roll to see how well I make it to a high ground location, and a second roll to see if I see you


Klaus makes a Survival check!

1d20 (18) + 3 = 21

Klaus makes a Perception check!

1d20 (4) + 1 = 5


(great spot, no idea where you are.)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/23/2019

Continuing to sneak Alakon will try to get closer to Klaus.


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Sneaky Dash: 1d20 (9) + 4 

Total: 13


Klaus will try to set a makeshift trap. Perhaps some large rocks that he can tumble down his high ground towards Alakon when he sees him (if he does)


Klaus makes a Survival check!

1d20 (19) + 3 = 22

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/23/2019

Alakon will try and close the distance (this Dash bringing the range to 30ft)


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Sneaky Dash: 1d20 (2) + 4 

Total: 6

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/23/2019

(What’s Klaus’s passive perception?)



Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/23/2019

Okay, you seen me sneaking


Klaus will attempt to send some rocks tumbling down in alakon’s approach once he is within range. Trying to keep some cover behind the rocks himself

(what do you think, survival roll? attack roll?)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/24/2019

(survival and what you roll would be the DC for my Dex save)


Klaus makes a Survival check!

1d20 (3) + 3 = 6




@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Dex Save: 1d20 (13) + 4 

Total: 17

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

Seeing where you threw the rocks from, and will move in, though the rocks now probably make this difficult terrain and will dash to close the distance. We are now within 5 ft


The speed at which Alakon moves is intimidating.  He is nimble and swift, with decisive strides forward. Klaus will stumble back in a small panick. hastily flinging a bolt at Alakon, and doing his best to put a boulder between Alakon and Klaus (cinematic effect only)


Klaus casts Eldritch Blast!


To Hit: 1d20 (19) + 6 = 25

Damage: 1d10 (9) [force] = 9


Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.

The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.


(+4 damage from charisma mod, so a whoppiong 13 force damage.)  A bolt flies forward, hastily flung from Klaus’s palm, upward towards Alakon. He would have normally dodged, except for the range, the bolt sears forward, and explodes on Alakon’s chest, meeting his charging momentum and searing with the sounds of souls shreeking, it is an unearthly cacauphony.

(you’re up!)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

Alakon grunts with the force and steps back once.  Through gritted teeth, “Nice hit. My turn.”


@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Rapier strike: 1d20 (11) + 6 

Total: 17




@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Result: 1d8 (4) + 6 

Total: 10


(you want to describe it, or me? :smiley: )

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

(Go for it haha)


Alakon charges through the burst of energy like a linebacker. he puts his energy into his steele, piercing, leather, skin, and bone alike as he rips through Klaus’s shoulder tissues and rends.  An uncontrolled yelp of pain is let out from Klaus’s diaphram. Klaus’s eyes turn unearthly grey, angry and glowing as he locks eyes with Alakon, Klaus casts Hellish Rebuke as he is stumbling backward.


Klaus casts Hellish Rebuke!


Damage: 2d10 (2, 7) [fire] = 9

DC: 14

DEX Save


The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Spell Slots

1 ◉〇


(I’m assuming we reset spells each round?)

(go ahead and dex save)

(Cinematically, the force from Alakon’s blow has sent Klaus tumbling.

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

(Yes, that is a correct assumption)



@Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn  :game_die:

Dex Save: 1d20 (9) + 4 

Total: 13


(full 9 damage from the rebuke)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

(That will down me then! I have 20 hp and that takes me over.)


describe it!

(also, for funzies, the tumble down the  hill damages him, as he klunks his head, and wounded shoulder along the earth, doing 4 more points of damage, and knocking out Klaus shortly after Alakon)

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

Alakon looks down at himself, confused. The flames wreathing his hands causing the sword to drop. Looking at the for of Klaus falling down the hill Alakon can’t help but think “So it was not a sword but a spell that would get me. Figures, I never did like magic.” before falling to his knees, and calling after Klaus, “Thank you for besting me! Now I may hang up my sword and rest.”


(I’d much rather call that a draw, for funzies, but for clean example I suppose we can call that Klaus winning the bout :smiley: )

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

(Yeah, for the example this goes in Klaus’s favor, but in the future we may implement a crowd’s choice determiner or something haha)


yeah that would be cool

this was so much fun.

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

Wasn’t it though?


[Harl] Harl’s jaw has literally dropped in his disbelief.  The iron jaw of his mouth has fallen off of his face an onto the announcers table.  He looks confused at the results, over at Dak as he begins to re-fasten his iron jaw with some bolts tighteners under his ears.

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

[Dak] Dak looks almost as surprised, without the prosthetic loss. “Well, that… that was certainly a match. The tiebreaker round itself was very nearly a tie. And… I don’t know where else to go but to the infirmary where the winner is recovering.” With a flash both Dak and Harl are in the infirmary where Kalus lies with a bottle of healing potion in one hand and a bottle of booze in the other.


[Harl] Magiker, you’ve both lost and gained my respect today.  I don

‘t like your fighting style, you don’t fight with a warrior’s spirit… you fight like a skitish alley cat.  but…. you won. and I must respect that. congratulations, witch-man.”

[Harl] Alakon, do your opponents usually run from you so much like this?

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

From a different bed on the other side of the room Alakon looks up. “Some more, some less, It’s been a while since I fought on my own so I haven’t had to worry about it as much recently and let the range get the better of me without accounting for ally support.”


[Klaus] “I was not trained as you, in the arts of combat.  The bar fights, and the muggings, and the rules of the street taught me my ways… survival.”

“Survival and motivation for ale won this day.  Maybe a bit of this cursed magic power to boot.”

“Here, have the rest of my healing potion, Alakon, you need it more.” (tries to slip him some moonshine instead of healing potion as a joke)


Klaus makes a Sleight Of Hand check!

1d20 (4) + 2 = 6

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

Alakon notices the switch, but takes it anyway. “This will heal something, that’s for sure.”


[Harl] It seems that friendships may even blossom in the Arena, Dak.

Michael-Alakon/Brother Stormborn07/25/2019

[Dak] “Shared danger, even if that’s from each other, can do that! Well folks, normally we would open it up for questions for the contestants, but I don believe they need their rest. Harl, any last sentiments?”


[Harl]  “I love this arena because of the warrior’s spirit that it brings out. We saw some of it today, and I want so see more of it in the future. (grabs the camera) Get your butt out here and fight like a warrior! let your glory live forever!  Harl – out!”

2 thoughts on “PVP in D&D 5e”

  1. So many great points, especially for DMs to consider! I just released a DMs Guild adventure that features PVP in the form of combat bot arena fighting! It puts all players on an even playing field, as they are all building their bots from scratch with the same options. They still get to destroy each other without causing any harm to their characters (other than bruised egos!)

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