We’re Launching a Project to Help 2,000 People Start Playing D&D

What if you could be part of a project to help 2,000 new people get into playing D&D this year?

When considering something meaningful that we could contribute as a company this year, our minds gravitated towards new players.  We continue to see the gap between tons of new folks that want to get into playing Dungeons and Dragons but either don’t know where to start or may be intimidated by the upfront learning curve for getting into the hobby. This has inspired us to focus on a new initiative to help get 2,000 (2,020 to be exact) new people playing Dungeons and Dragons this year.

Why There’s Such a Demand

The amazing popularity since the advent of 5th edition seems to really show that when Wizards of the Coast, the owners of the D&D franchise, focus on a streamlined system that is mechanics light, and character story/character journey heavy, it’s super well received.  On top of this, Dungeons and Dragons has made it into pop culture… exposing a whole generation of connected folks to D&D content through shows like Critical Roll, podcasts, YouTube, and popular shows like Stranger Things. All of this has contributed to validating that there are a lot of people that want to play… but may not know how.

People tend to see others having a good time with friends, cracking jokes and taking on adventures with sword and sorcery and think… “I could see myself doing that!”  But they may not know how to get started.  If you’re not already hooked into a community of players that can bring you up to speed, how do you get your friends or family to start rolling the dice with you?

That’s the gap we’re trying to solve.

A New Campaign for the Year

if The main folks that this tends to solve are either younger folks who have never played before, or professionals in their careers, potentially with kids, who maybe used to play or always wanted to but have a really hard time finding the time to play with their week to week schedule and obligations.

To make this happen, we want to band together with others to create the very best place for learning how to play D&D on in the world. (bold statement, we know!)

We Know We Can’t Do it Alone

This is a dream that’s a little bigger than Cloud 9 Tabletop’s staff alone.  We are looking to partner with folks in our community and other D&D communities to create content that helps the overall vision.

How We’re Setting it Up

Hub Page here on Cloud 9 Tabletop

We’ll be setting up a “Hub” page that links out to all kinds of content to help folks get into the Hobby of Dungeons and dragons. This content can be stuff that we’ve created, or other content creators out there, or maybe from you!

Kinds of Content for Helping Get Folks Play D&D

To give you an idea of the kinds of content we’ll be creating, and linking to here are some bullets. We’re sure it will be deeper, and broader content than this but here’s for starters

  • How to Play D&D for complete Beginners – Step by Step
  • Guide to first-time dungeon mastering
  • How to create a character in D&D
  • Finding others to play with for a D&D game
  • Ways to play D&D (online, offline, play by post)
  • How to play D&D for free
  • Starter adventures for first-time groups
  • Premade characters for first-time adventurers
  • New Players Guide to Skill Checks
  • New Players Guide to Combat
  • New Players Guide to Social Encounters

Social Tags for Linking Together

We can link together on social media with the tag #PlayDnD2020.

Want to get involved?

If helping others get into D&D sounds like something you can see yourself contributing to, connect with us in the comments below. We’ll need  Let us know what you might like to contribute, or if you might like our input for ideas we can work with you on that too.

Let’s do it!
