PVP in D&D 5e

Some time or another, most players have fantasies of epic battles with other players. Sword and bolt shattering on shield, and the players immersed in toe-to-toe combat against each other. It sounds great and has the potential to be awesome but there might be some gotchas to look out for when considering engaging in PVP in D&D. In this article, we’ll walk through the thoughts to consider when thinking about stirring up some PVP combat in your game.

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Getting Past Writers Block for Your D&D World Building

Consider the following questions to get your creative juices going and finding your spark. A lot of these are phrased as “what if” questions. Our imaginations love taking existing, familiar concepts and fleshing out the exciting ideas when we ask ourselves “what if” a certain concept true. Blank canvas thinking is hard. Considering how something may play out when you introduce a single “what if” idea comes easy…

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DM Tip: Character Flashbacks for Kicking Off Your D&D Sessions in Style

What if each of your live play sessions started with a scene that dramatically featured the backstory of one of the player’s characters in your campaign? What if it set the tone with evocative role play and drama and shed light on interesting parts of the characters around the tables origins and motivations? Flashbacks can be…

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