Getting Past Writers Block for Your D&D World Building

Consider the following questions to get your creative juices going and finding your spark. A lot of these are phrased as “what if” questions. Our imaginations love taking existing, familiar concepts and fleshing out the exciting ideas when we ask ourselves “what if” a certain concept true. Blank canvas thinking is hard. Considering how something may play out when you introduce a single “what if” idea comes easy…

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5 Tips: Tuning Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Encounters On The Fly

The main guiding principle here is to tune your encounters harder or easier on the fly in order to enhance the experience for your players. You want your players to feel the tension of real challenges and have them work together to solve them. Make the encounter harder when it will add drama, flair, and fun to a battle that is turning out to feel a bit flat…

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