Avrae Discord Bot Review – The Dice Roller on Steroids

Avrae Review and Tutorial Vids

We stumbled upon Avrae when answering a simple question many gamers do when playing D&D online: Can I find something that will help me roll my dice digitally? This was a challenge for us because we have a Play-by-Post Discord server and need to show rolls in chat. In Avrae we found so, so much more than a dice roller. This tool has done nothing short of revolutionize how D&D can be played in a chat program like Discord and it deserves a proper review.

Avrae Bot – What is it?

Avrae is a highly developed bot that can be added to a Discord server where folks play D&D. It pulls in your character sheet and allows you to take actions in-game with a tremendous amount of ease. The outputs are beautiful; using Avrae in a chat session brings out clean looking dice rolls, spell descriptions, and ability checks. Best of all, its free.

Steep Learning Curve for Avrae Syntax

The challenge with Avrae is that it does so much, and that everything you do with it has to be done with a hand-typed text string. Starting out to try to use the bot can be daunting. It’s difficult to discern which commands are important and what functionality gets frequently used. Getting information from the help command on the bat provides a comprehensive “wall of text” of all of the things that you could do with it.

Cloud 9 Tabletop Tutorials for Avrae

Because of the steep learning curve, we decided to bridge the gap here and create guides that make it super easy to get started with Avrae. We have a video tutorial below, as well as dedicated tutorial channels on Discord.


Avrae Official Page: https://discordbots.org/bot/261302296…
Disboard Avrae Server Listings: https://disboard.org/dashboard/servers

Want to Experience Avrae and Play-by-Post?D&D?

If you’ve been considering getting in on a play by post game, the time has never been better. we’ve got great Avrae resources now and we still have active campaigns that are beginner-friendly that you can join even today. Check them out here.

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